Road Warrior
School is going okay so far. I have a few presentations coming up rather quickly, including one on the film of the same name as this post. They should be okay so long as I give myself plenty of FUBAR-buffer. This means trying to finish about a week early so that I will know if I need to ask for some further direction from my profs.
Mémere is visiting us again on her way back home. Technically she is not staying with *us* per say, but it is just down the street so it just feels like she is in a faraway wing of the house. There are also some relatives from Edmonton in town overnight. Edmonton is not really that far away, but I rarely seem to find myself up there... *ponders*
I have added a new clickable banner to the site. It takes you to a page that enables you to lend part of a micro loan to someone in another country who is looking for a loan so that they might expand their business and better the future, It's a really innovative idea that enables anybody with a Pay Pal account to contribute a part of a loan being raised. Keen! Give 'er a clickity!
I have started working at Rogers Video twice a week. This has been pretty darn nice as far as work goes. The free rentals are an easy distraction from schoolwork though! Oh well... I suppose it will provide me with the opportunity to grow in self-discipline.
You're on the road?! Noice!
Congratulations, and beep beep!
February 13, 2007 4:06 p.m.
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