Soon, Soon...
This morning the air is infused with a most strange sound. It is just a low hum if I stay in the apartment, but if I venture out onto the balcony it fills the whole courtyard. It sounds like an orchestra tuning up before a performance. It's really most odd. A constant low tone joined intermittently by shorter bursts at various pitches. It took me a minute of head scratching before I figured out what it is. A traffic jam. These must be cars horns. I reckon it's gotta be a real mess about 200 m southeast of here. Perhaps it has something to do with one of the bridges crossing the Liffey River. Anyways, it was most interesting. I write 'was' because it seems that in the short space of time it has taken me to compose this short note, all is quiet again. Well, aside from the usual thumps and bumps from the construction taking place across the way. Anyhoo, I just wanted to throw up a little note. I've a lot of pictures I would like to put up here but I don't think I'll have the time today. Soon, soon...

In the meantime, I thought I'd put up this picture of a billboard. These Guinness sponsorship ads are all around. I really love them. They are all so very dramatic. This one is for Ireland's native sport, hurling (no, I don't mean throwing up after a night of drinking). (Random note: Colette used to play the women's version of hurling, camogie.)The set location is the Giant's Causeway. While these ads usually draw inspiration from Irish mythology, I don't know this particular story yet. Irish myths are perfect for the purpose of these ads though, in that traditional Irish sports often play an important role in the stories.
Sidenote: I've just learned about the connection between the Guinness brewery and a famous notorious book of world records. For more, click HERE.
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