In an effort to be more brief (and current!), I decided to write a little something about what actually happened today! Not a week ago... Not a month ago... Today! I know this doesn't happen to often. After all, I don't want to spoil you lot.
Well... today actually wasn't terribly exciting, but two noteworthy things
did occur:
1) I actually learned how to iron! Okay, all of you snickering in the back... Give me a chance to explain! I rarely iron my clothes. Anyone
who knows me would be forgiven for thinking I'm part pug...

They are often that wrinkled. My usual methodology involved saturating the garment and then ironing it until it was dry (usually burning bits in-between). My usual method sucked... It would take me a good 20 minutes to finish. However, I have just learned of a wondrous little creation known as the STEAM SETTING! Oh, the power of steam. It's so quick now. Stop laughing. It really
was exciting.
Well, I thought it was exciting...2) I went to a movie I have been looking forward to for a while, Domino. It's a movie that's (sort of) based o
n the life of Domino Harvey, daughter of actor Laurence Harvey and Vogue model Paulene Stone, who turned her back on the life of the privileged life of the Hollywood Elite to become a bounty hunter in Los Angeles. It was actually a pretty good little movie. While I felt the director was trying too hard, it was one of those movies I watched without once being aware of the passing of time. The star power that turned up (even in smaller roles) in this film was a treat. Christopher Walken was really very funny, even though his role was rather small. The big story here though is Keira Knightley. It's always exciting to see actors or actresses do something that is a bit
outside of their usual fare. While she does usually play the tom-boy (with some action-bits through in to boot), the persona she had to take on here is half-crazed and much more violent than we usually see her. Anyway, it's actually quite a good performance. It's not exactly a thinking movie, but the action keeps it well-paced. On a sidenote - I have been convinced for months that this movie (and her name) was pronounced '
Do-MEE-no', and even tried to correct Col when she pronounced it as
'DOM-in-o'. I was wrong. Very wrong. Embarrassingly wrong. I learned that within the first 2 minutes of the film. Col was right. It just has to be said... *grin* Alright, later!
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