"Make Me a Channel of Your Peace..."

When I logged on to the internet this morning, the CBC website informed me that the Canadians recently taken hostage in Iraq were working for the Christian Peacemaker Teams. They are an interesting group that view peace-making as an active process rather than a passive one. They insert themselves into conflict situations by physically separating the two parties and appealing to the aggressors. When I was at St. Mary's (random note: Is that Mike Lees on the STMUC homepage?), we actually had representatives of this group come and make a presentation in our chapel with images and stories explaining their experiences and mission. I am saddened to hear that these four individuals are being held. To accuse them of being spies is a ridiculous claim, though I am sure that their actions must have looked strange to on-lookers. Hopefully this situation will come to a non-violent conclusion and the four individuals being returning home to their families soon. Looking at the face of one of them (pictured here) is a bit chilling. He looks very familiar, though I think it is because his photo was featured prominently in the presentation I watched rather than him being the individual who came to the school and whom I meet and shook hands with. May this all end well...
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