Merry Christmas!
Well, despite my own shock it seems that it is already the Christmas Eve. It's my first Christmas away from home, and also my first Christmas shared with Col.
I was able to attend mass tonight at the 'Adam and Eve'. Here are a few shots from that...
Here you can see the large organ that accopanied a wonderful choir. I took this shot after mass, so all of the singers are scurrying downstairs to receive communion.
Since we have St. Francis to thank for the tradition of the créche (they call it a 'crib' here), it seemed only right to take a few of the Franciscan's version.
I have managed to snap a few Christmas-y photos over the past months, in Derry, Belfast and Dublin... These first three on from pubs in Derry (kissing snowpeople... aww!)

This is of City Hall in Belfast. The smiley face seems to be the city logo (well, at least that of the tourism board). Surreal...
Sprouts... I have tried them but I just don't like 'em. And I know that I am not alone in this. Yet over here, everyone seems to go mad for them at Christmas. A month ago, I don't believe our local M&S stocked any brussel sprouts. Look at this table they had set up today! Madness, I tell ye.
I saw this walking back from Mass tonight. Santa, reindeer, and Guinness. Gotta love an Irish Christmas... :)
Okay, nobody over here sees a problem with this. Yet when I saw it for the first time, it stopped me in my tracks. Over here, kids go visit Mall Santas (*cough* er, Santa's helpers) in 'Santa's Grotto'. Why do I have trouble processing this? Well, Hugh Hefner (of the Playboy empire) has a grotto. I can't deal with any sort of overlap in my brain between those two guys. It's just not right!
Well, if you made it this far down... cheers! I am off to bed soon. Right after I phone home anyways. That 7 hour time zone difference is a killer... :) Tommorow we are off to spend the next two days with Col's family so I might be incommunicadoo.
For now though, I wish you all a very merry Christmas. I hope you can share this time with your loved ones, your family and friends. Oh, and I feel like a public service announcement for saying this, but if you celebrate with the Christmas Spirit that comes in a bottle and is sold at the off-licensee, DON'T DRIVE. It's just not worth it.
"...and to all a good night."
*quietly sidles in*
Hey, Andrea . . . please don't hurt me . . . but . . . I've just with a "meme" . . . (whatever that is..)
I couldn't help it! Someone did it to me, and I got bitten by the chain-letter bug! Sorry! *hides*
Despite this, though, I hope you're having a fab time over the hols, and that you're not missing your hyperboreal abode too much! :)
- Joan. x
December 28, 2005 4:36 p.m.
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