A Cold Weekend

While it may not be bird flu, both Col and I seem to have caught a bit of something. It's not to shocking or serious, but we are pretty much in hibernation mode. The tv has been moved into the bedroom for the weekend (for maximum coziness) along with a wealth of viewable material (from our own collections, the library, and the local video store). We even got Ice Age, so that Col would be all caught up for when we go and see the sequel. We were feeling a bit better this afternoon and planned to grab a brownie at the organic market (Saturdays only, at Temple Bar) and then head off to see the collection at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin Castle. We found, however, that even the short trip down to the corner store for extra milk and similar supplies was a bit taxing for us. So, plans have changed. We are turning on the heating, grabbing so ice cream (or some other throat-friendly food-stuff) and climbing into bed for some more movie madness.
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