Thanks For The Meme-ories
Well, it looks as though a certain individual has tagged me in what can only be described as a Blogger manifestation of chain letters. Usually I wouldn't go for chain letters, email or otherwise. In this case though, I'll make an exception. Why? Well, for starters.... having someone connect to me means that I'm not the only person reading my blog. Additionally, this particular individual is well worthy of a few minutes of my time (Don't I sound rather haughty! :) ). She has already has the dictionary definition of 'meme' on her blog so I am not going to bother to try and better her. The basic jist of it is as follows ( the obligatory (strangely-written) inclusion, the red additions are mine):
The first player of this game starts with the topic five weird habits of yourself, and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says "You are tagged" (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.
Weird Habits, eh?
1) As of late, I (nearly always) have my head covered. It's not for any deep religious meaning or anything. My hair is currently the longest it has ever been. Since my mom is a hair dresser, she has always been the one to cut my hair. Since I haven't seen her since October, the bangs are getting a bit out of control. My hair is now down about 3 inches past my shoulders, the longest I've ever had it. I am getting comfortable with long(ish) hair after a life time of preferring it rather short. Consequently, I require some kind of head gear to tame it. I am getting used to the look, but not the feeling. To keep my bangs out of my hair, I have taken to compulsively wearing baseball caps or toques outside and my Buff (or if it's MIA, Col's). I loves my Buff... LOVES my Buff...
2) I suppose it's a bit strange how much I wash my hands. I am better behaved than I used to be, but I still nearly always wash them upon coming home (from the dirty, dirty outside world). I think cash is rather vile (in sanitation terms) and hands must be washed again after contact with it. These habits combined with Canada's dry winter winds generally left my hands in a bit of a state. Lately though, I am much better trained and use lotion so frequently it is also bordering on the compulsive.
3) I have a strong dislike for certain cold/creamy foods. There was a point where I wouldn't eat cheese unless it was melted. HOWEVER, I am warming up on this point. I am not over-the-moon about Ranch dressing or sour cream, and mayonnaise is rather icky. Strangely though, if getting a sandwich at Subway, I will almost always ask for mayo. If I or anyone else makes one though, it is strictly verboten.
Two more? Hmm...
4) Up until recently, I would stubbornly fold my clothing in a manner somewhat akin to The Gap's (laying the shirt front-side down, then folding both the sleeved sides into the middle, and then folding the remaining re

5) Okay, this is perhaps a little gross but I am trying to think of a fifth strange habit (I know that some of you are probably thinking this should present no challenge whatsoever to me. ;) ). I have generally managed to stop from biting my nails. Sometimes though, I will instead (unconsciously) gnaw at my (immaculate!, see quirk 2) finger tips.
Well, that's it. *phew* Still reading? You deserve a treat! (I wanted to post this GIF before, but there was really no way to make it relevent... I like it though. I stole it from Kid but I figure he must have stolen it from someone else... it's like The Circle of Life of the internet)

Oh, and by the way... I won't be passing the 'chain letter' on to anyone else. Sorry to disappoint, but I can't say I know 5 other Bloggers that Clicky hasn't already hit!
From Canada to Ireland, I give you applause!! I am doing my traveling right's cheap!!! Thank you for a peak into your life abroad. How did the job interview turn out? Well I'm off to Belgium...
January 13, 2006 1:08 a.m.
You do have strange habbits...
I thought I was aware of all of them but thanks for the updated briefing!
January 26, 2006 10:19 a.m.
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